A Community Platform for Violence Prevention in Thailand
Welcome to our violence prevention platform!
Know More No More Violence seeks to build a community of knowledge that in turn deepens our understanding of the phenomenon of violence in Thailand and its prevention. We do so by collaborating with our partner organisations in research initiatives, and engaging with the public at large through the publication of easy-to-access stories based on research. In addition, our work focuses on policy transformation drawing on case-based expertise and our partnership with policymakers.
Actively monitoring violent situations all over the country and presenting them with careful professionalism to accurately educate and create awareness in the community.
Actively listening to our members and community who put forward valuable information and comments, in order to build a deeper understanding of violence.
Actively preventing causes of violence leading to violent extremism through proactive movements and a strategic national action plan.
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Resource Library
Knowledge is the most powerful asset and the most valuable first step in preventing violence. Explore our resource library for numerous verified studies and research papers from our partners worldwide.
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By Monitoring Centre on Organised Violence Events (MOVE)
Data is the direct reflection of the truth and the key to uncovering the true impact of violence. Be alert and aware of the issues right here at our data centre.
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The number of events calculated according to 13 sub-types of organised violence in Thailand between 2016-2022
Stories & Events
Being current is the best currency that we can possess to help prevent violence. Navigate through our original content and members' stories to shed light on the issues of violence, its impact and its prevention, while keeping up to date with any upcoming events.
Editor's Pick
By UNDP in Thailand
19 September 2022
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By becoming a member, everyone is welcome to be a part of the change towards preventing violence in Thailand. Participate, share your stories, and create an impact today.
Policy Framework: National Action Plan
We are all in this together, preventing violence in Thailand. See Thailand's National Action Plan to learn more about the prevention of violent extremism at a national scale.